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Tagungsthema: ISCHE 29: Children and Youth at Risk
Weitere Informationen: http://www.erzwiss.uni-hamburg.de/ische29/index.ht ml   
Durchführende Institution: International Standing Conference for the History of Education: Prof. Dr. Christine Mayer, Prof. Dr. Ingrid Lohmann
Tagungsbeginn: 25. 07. 2007 15:00:00
Tagungsende: 28. 07. 2007 14:00:00
Tagungsort: Hamburg
Veranstaltungsstätte: Universität Hamburg
Anprechpartner: Prof. Dr. Christine Mayer, Prof. Dr. Ingrid Lohmann, Von-Melle-Park 8, 20146 Hamburg
E-mail des Anprechpartners: ische29@erzwiss.uni-hamburg.de
Tagungsankündigung: On the one hand, the conference theme indicates the risks and dangers children and adolescents are exposed to in their life world (Lebenswelt). In a wider understanding the `risk` aspect also encompasses the constraints and restrictions that children and adolescents are subjected to through the adults` various educational ideas and notions, be it in the struggle for moral and social control of individuals or of society as a whole. On the other hand, another dimension is opened up when the risks and dangers originating from children and adolescents themselves are taken into account. This aspect is closely linked to the understanding of delinquency and criminality and the development and institutionalisation of measures for re-education and compulsory education. It is not just the different layers of meaning that make the field of Children and youth at risk an interesting and multifaceted one. It is also the different ways of constructing and interpreting the concepts of child, childhood and youth - moreover based on diverging context factors on an historical, a societal and a cultural level - that lead to diverse approaches towards this topic.
Erfassungsdatum: 06. 12. 2005
Korrekturdatum: 30. 05. 2006