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Tagungsthema: CfP: Transnationalism, gender and teaching: perspectives from the history of education - Annual Conference of the History of Education Society (UK)
Weitere Informationen: http://www.ische.org/generalannouncement/2014-uk-h istory-of-education-call-for-papers/   
Durchführende Institution: History of Education Society (UK)
Tagungsbeginn: 21. 11. 2014
Tagungsende: 23. 11. 2014
Tagungsort: Dublin
Veranstaltungsstätte: University College Dublin
Anprechpartner: Goodman, Joyce
E-mail des Anprechpartners: deirdre.raftery@ucd.ie

Papers are invited that examine the conference theme: Transnationalism, gender and teaching: perspectives from the history of education. Papers may also be considered that provide historical perspectives on one of the conference thematic areas: transnationalism and teaching, OR gender and teaching. Papers may address the conference theme through consideration of some of the following, though this list is only suggestive, and not definitive:

International education networks & alliances | Travel, transnational mobility and global citizenship | Knowledge formation & travel writing | education and the Grand Tour | Education and diasporas | missionary education | Travel scholarships, boarding and finishing schools, school tours | Education & experiential travel | teachers as ambassadors | Networks of schools and teachers | voluntarism, voluntary action and education | Life histories| history in the margins | masculinities and femininities | Heritage education and global knowledge| cross-cultural studies and the history of education | Nationality, language and schooling | transnational femininities | space and place | Academic leadership, public intellectuals and international education | Gender and university teaching | gender-differentiated curricula and schooling | Materialities of teaching | visual histories | education archives | Reading, libraries and transnational culture |books, publishing and the transfer of ideas | Teacher education and gender| teacher unions and professional societies

Keynote speakers
Professor Joyce Goodman MBE, Pro-Vice Chancellor, University of Winchester Professor Elizabeth Smyth, Vice-Dean, School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto Professor Dáire Keogh, President, St Patrick’s College, & Cregan Professor of Modern Irish History, Dublin City University

Abstracts (500 words max) and a short biographical note (200 words max) should be sent to deirdre.raftery@ucd.ie Deadline: Friday 12th September 2014 POSTER ATTACHED FOR CIRCULATION

Schlagwörter: Bildungsgeschichte; Tagung; Transnationale Politik ; Schule; Unterricht; Geschlechterrolle
Erfassungsdatum: 15. 07. 2014
Korrekturdatum: 05. 09. 2014